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How important is improving the NHS to you?

The above question was asked to the It-Your-Vote community.

We provided additional information for the question which was:

"The NHS is under tremendous pressure with an ageing/growing population, medical advances which are able to save more people but can be more costly, increased staff costs and the list goes on... So, if we want a 1st class health service it will need to come through a big increase in the NHS budget. But, maybe taxing people is not the right method and the government needs to continue to provide smaller increases to the NHS budget by taking money from other sectors. Alternatively, maybe the NHS is trying to do too much and some services should be dropped and therefore, only made available privately. ".

The available answers for this questions were:

1. No view

2. Very Important-tax increases is ok providing it goes directly to improving the NHS

3. Important-NHS must be improved, but not without any tax increases

4. Happy with NHS-no improvement needed

5. Don't agree with NHS-we should have an insurance based healthcare

The Winner !

The winning answer was "Very Important-tax increases is ok providing it goes directly to improving the NHS" with 60.52% of the total vote.

How all the answers did?

No need to improve5.26%
Shutdown NHS6.14%
No view0.87%
V-Important tax rise ok60.52%
Important no tax rise27.19%

Voting grouped by Age

Voting grouped by Gender

No need to improve4.38%0.87%5.26%
Shutdown NHS4.38%1.75%6.14%
No view0.87%0%0.87%
V-Important tax rise ok42.10%18.42%60.52%
Important no tax rise22.80%4.38%27.19%

Voting grouped by Country

No view0%0%0.87%0%0.87%
V-Important tax rise ok49.12%4.38%4.38%2.63%60.52%
Important no tax rise22.80%1.75%0.87%1.75%27.19%
No need to improve3.50%0.87%0.87%0%5.26%
Shutdown NHS5.26%0.87%0%0%6.14%

Map View

"Important no tax rise" = BLUE

"Shutdown NHS" = GREEN

"V-Important tax rise ok" = PURPLE

"No need to improve" = RED