We have had years of uncertainty over Brexit that has resulted in a deadlock preventing the country from moving forward. Now Parliament has decided that we are going to get our 3rd general election in 4 years. But is this the right decision?
Is the new government going to succeed where the last one failed? Are we going to get a Brexit deal with a Boris majority, or will Brexit be reversed completely by the Liberal Democrats?
But, if we pick a government based solely on our Brexit preference, then could Brexit be the least of our worries as the UK is facing some very important challenges like NHS, reversing global warming, solving UK's debt and the list goes on...
To help the country decide we have 6 critical questions. We believe the politicians need to understand what the people really think!
The 6 questions are:
On the 12th December which party are you most likely to vote for?
Leave or Remain in the EU?
Which type of Brexit deal do you want?
How important is improving the NHS to you?
How important should the environment be for the next elected Government?
Change the tax rate for people earning £80,000+ a year?
Below are the results to the questions and we update the results daily so you can see how the country is voting!
How will you vote in the General Election?
One of our voting questions is how people plan to vote in the General Election on the 12th of December - here is the results so far (updated daily)