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How important should the environment be for the next elected Government?

The above question was asked to the It-Your-Vote community.

We provided additional information for the question which was:

"There are many environmental issues currently facing our planet: global warming, climate change, air & water pollution, waste management, ozone layer and there are many more. So, should the environment be top priority for the new government's agenda including new laws and additional funding, or is the environment just one of many important issues that needs to be focused on. Alternatively, is the environment not high on your list of important items that should be focused on.".

The available answers for this questions were:

1. Top priority including new laws and additional funding

2. Environment just one of many important issues that needs to be focused on

3. No view

4. Environment not high on list of important items that should be focused on.

The Winner !

The winning answer was "Environment just one of many important issues that needs to be focused on" with 52.84% of the total vote.

How all the answers did?

Top priority laws/funds31.70%
High on list to address52.84%
No view4.06%
Not high on list11.38%

Voting grouped by Age

Voting grouped by Gender

Top priority laws/funds26.01%5.69%31.70%
High on list to address39.83%13.00%52.84%
No view2.43%1.62%4.06%
Not high on list7.31%4.06%11.38%

Voting grouped by Country

High on list to address43.08%3.25%3.25%3.25%52.84%
No view2.43%0%0.81%0.81%4.06%
Not high on list8.94%2.43%0%0%11.38%
Top priority laws/funds26.82%1.62%1.62%1.62%31.70%

Map View

"Not high on list" = GREEN

"Top priority laws/funds" = BLUE

"High on list to address" = LIGHTBLUE

"No view" = RED