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Should television shows carry a shelf-life?

The above question was asked to the It-Your-Vote community.

We provided additional information for the question which was:

"Some TV shows have been on our TV screens for well over 10 years old and even though viewing figures are down, still seem to be brought back on our screens either new or often repeated. Is it time to give all TV programs a sell-by-date and for them not be allowed on the UK TV channels for a specified period of time. Or, do you think it is acceptable to show repeated television programmes or new ones even though figures are down.".

The available answers for this questions were:

1. Yes-should carry a shelf-life

2. No-should be allowed to keep being shown

The Winner !

The winning answer was "Yes-should carry a shelf-life" with 72.64% of the total vote.

How all the answers did?


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