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Would you let your garden grow in an attempt to attract bees and butterflies?

The above question was asked to the It-Your-Vote community.

We provided additional information for the question which was:

"Estate Agents are warning that homeowners who are letting their gardens grow wild (a new trend) are damaging property prices as well as causing arguments between neighbours. It has been dubbed 'rewilding light' and encouraged by ecologists in an attempt to attract bees and butterflies. Is this something that we should all be doing. Or, do you think it is bringing down the look of an area and people have a responsibility to keep their gardens tidy.".

The available answers for this questions were:

1. No

2. No view

3. Yes

The Winner !

The winning answer was "Yes" with 52.63% of the total vote.

How all the answers did?


Voting grouped by Age

Voting grouped by Gender


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