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Should single use plastic bags and plastic 'bags for life' be banned from shops and only biodegradable bags be available to buy?

The above question was asked to the It-Your-Vote community.

We provided additional information for the question which was:

"Do you think that we have the right to decide if we want to buy a plastic bag if we choose regardless of impact to our environment. Or are the environment concerns now so great that stronger measures should now be deployed and all plastic bags banned".

The available answers for this questions were:

1. Yes - all forms of plastic shopping bags should be banned

2. No - we should be allowed to buy any type of plastic shopping bag.

3. Ban single use bags but I think more expensive plastic 'bags for life' should be available even though they are not biodegradable

The Winner !

The winning answer was "Yes - all forms of plastic shopping bags should be banned" with 70.58% of the total vote.

How all the answers did?

Yes-No Plastic70.58%
Stop single use bags 23.52%

Voting grouped by Age

Voting grouped by Gender

Yes-No Plastic41.17%29.41%70.58%
Stop single use bags 11.76%11.76%23.52%

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