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Should children under the age of 11 be allowed to head a football?

The above question was asked to the It-Your-Vote community.

We provided additional information for the question which was:

"Following research from Glasgow University, where findings showed that footballers were 3 and a half times more likely to die from brain disease, the UK Football Association has now banned coaches from teaching children under the age of 11 to head a football. Children aged 12 - 18 will still be able to have training but this will be very low level. Do you agree with this, or do you think that this is a key skill that is essential to playing football and therefore should be taught.".

The available answers for this questions were:

1. No-the risks to them are too great

2. Yes-they should be allowed

The Winner !

The winning answer was "No-the risks to them are too great" with 53.73% of the total vote.

How all the answers did?


Voting grouped by Age

Voting grouped by Gender


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